Meet the Breeds & Save the Date!!

Hi everyone, this is just a reminder that Meet the Breeds at the Marshfield Fair is tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM. If you are participating in the Dog Achievement Show at noon (you would have had to sign up when entries were due) please plan to stay afterwards and talk about your dog’s breed and personality to the public. If you are not showing tomorrow, please still plan to attend this program (arrive around 1:30) with your dog. If you have any questions I will be at the fair all day tomorrow to help and show so please feel free to come early and figure out what we are doing.

As for Doggie Paw-looza this year, the date is September 20th from 11 AM until 2 PM. If you are not familiar with this program, it is the fundraiser for Standish Humane Society held annually at Wompatuck State Park in Hingham. Every year, we have attended and done obedience and showmanship demos for the public as well as had a small recruitment booth. If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me at the fair, but we will go over it in more detail at the start of the new 4-H year.

Thank you everyone and I hope to see you tomorrow!

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