Your Help Needed! Got any stuffed animals?

Last year's stuffed animal delivery. Clockwise from left: Abby Garcia, Kingston, Michael Keith, Marshfield, Nick Garcia, Kingston, and Hannah Gillis, Kingston. Photo courtesy of Susan Keith.

Last year, Abby and Kendra Garcia, Abby’s mom, had a good idea. In doing room visits at the Wingate Nursing Home in Kingston, a service project of the Cave Canem 4-H Dog Club, they noticed that residents collect stuffed animals. Why not collect enough staffed animals so each of the 166 residents could be given a new animal for their collections? Through gifts, yard sales, recycle networks and more, Kendra and Abby  collected (and washed) enough gently-used and new animals for everyone in time for Easter.

They are leading the Club’s effort to do it again this year.  Do you have new or gently used stuffed animals that are just gathering dust? If so, then Kendra would like to hear from you at or 339-206-5934. Club members live all over Plymouth County, so chances are, there is someone nearby who could pick up your donation.

Cave Canem Club members and their  (not stuffed) dogs will deliver the animals to residents on April 3rd at 1 pm.
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